Fat Freezing – number one in stubborn fat reduction!

Reduce your stubborn fat and transform your body

Experience the transformation you’ve been dreaming of!

Our fat-freezing procedure, also known as cryolipolysis, targets specific areas of unwanted fat by safely cooling them to a precise temperature. This process crystallises the fat cells, causing them to gradually break down and be naturally eliminated by the body over time. The result? A noticeable reduction in fat bulges without surgery or downtime.

Benefits of our fat-freezing treatment include:


No needles, incisions, or anaesthesia required.

Minimal Downtime

Return to your daily activities immediately after treatment.

Long-lasting Results

Noticeable reduction in fat bulges with just a few sessions.


It is a medical device.

Discover the confidence-boosting benefits of fat-freezing at our salon today. Schedule your consultation and take the first step towards achieving the body you’ve always desired.


Who is Fat Freezing for?

    • To help men and women reach their body contouring goals, the treatment can successfully remove up to 25% of the fat cells in the area of concern.
    • It is important to understand that this treatment is not designed as a way to lose a significant amount of weight. 

    Frequently asked questions:

    Fat Freezing is a safe and noninvasive method. Cooltechnology helps to ensure that only the targeted fat cells get frozen, not the skin and surrounding tissues.  

    At the beginning of the treatment, you will feel an intense cold, which should soon dissipate and some slight pulling. Usually, after the treatment, you can return to your regular activity straight away. 

    Side effects are uncommon, although some clients experience numbness, redness, swelling or firmness of the treated area. 

    Typically, clients require 1-3 sessions. However, the number of treatments needed depends on each individual goal. 

    The results will be noticeable after 3 weeks post-treatment, lasting 90 days. Your body will continue to naturally process the injured fat cells your body during this time. 

    Patients with cryoglobulinaemia or paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria.

    We can treat the abdomen, flanks, bra fat pads, inner and outer thighs, and underarms.

    The procedure typically involves the following steps:


    Before the treatment, you will consult with the therapist to discuss your goals and expectations, ask questions, and understand the process in detail.

    Preparation and Treatment:

    Body analysis uses a digital scale (Weight, Body Fat %, Total Body Water %, Muscle Mass, Physique Rating, Bone Mineral Mass, Basal Metabolic Rate, Metabolic Age, and Visceral Fat). Circumference measurements of the treated area are taken. We will take photographs to document your starting point before treatment. 

    The targeted area will be marked, and photographs may be taken to track progress.

    Gel pads are applied to the treatment area before the CoolTech applicators are placed on the skin. The gel pads help to protect the skin and enhance patient comfort during the procedure. 

    The cooling process begins, and the controlled cooling is applied to the fat cells beneath the skin. 

    Post-treatment Massage

    After the cooling period, the therapist massages the treated area to enhance fat cell destruction and improve the results. 

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    Effects of the treatment

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